Education · Special Education · Teaching Resources

Book a Day Genre Posters

Although I loved our Book a Day bulletin board, especially its chronological order so I could see at a glance what we read when, I realized how powerful it would be if I combined it with my genre poster display.

I created very simple genre posters with descriptions of each, and plan on placing them in the same spot where our Book a Day display was. It’s in a prominent position next to the reading area where we sit for our read alouds.

I’m still on summer break, so this is all just a plan in my head right now. I have 11 letter-sized “posters,” and one “title” page, so my hope is that they’ll fit nicely in a 3 by 4 pattern.

I’ve saved the small pictures of the book covers from previous years, so I only need to print out the new books we read together. After we finish each book, we discuss in which genre they feel the book belongs, and why. There are definitely times when a book might belong in more than one genre, so we’ll have to make a decision (or maybe I’ll print two pictures; I haven’t decided yet!).

I decided to only use the genres that I include in my students’ 40 book requirement, with the exception of drama/play and tall tales/ myths/ legends/ folk tales. Since we read a few of those throughout the year I wanted to make sure those books had a place to go. I also included graphic novels. Although they’re a format not a genre, they’re so popular right now, and I occasionally do read them to my class.

Grab your copies here!

2 thoughts on “Book a Day Genre Posters

  1. How do you make the picture of the book jacket that small? Do you glue them on or reprint the page after you add it on?

    1. Hi! I google the image and save it in a google slide. I resize it so they’re all relatively the same. I make a new slide each time I add images so that I’m not reprinting book covers!

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